Please contact Ms Goh at: 9450 3328.
Details as follows:
Product: Besta Full sentence translation Computerised Dictionary
Purchase date:19-08-08
Warranty until:18-08-09
Condition: new only use twice, screen perfect, no scratch mark, plastic protective sheet from maufacturer still intact. Comes with bag, USB cable & earphone(still in original packaging), Besta CD and user's manual
Selling price: $190
Original retail price: $249
● 中英双向全句翻译
Chinese-English Bilingual sentence translation
● 独家比对精灵,比对校正翻译正确
Unique Smart Comparison for accurate translation
● 牛津高阶词典英汉双解最新版
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
● 独家动画文法/动画片语教学
Unique Animated Grammar and Phrases
● 独创跨词库检索功能
New Feature: Multi-Dictionaries
● 多国会话,14种常用世界语言
Travel Dialogues in 14 Languages
● MP3真人发音
MP3 Human Voice Pronunciation
F1 辞典 Dictionary
全句翻译 Sentence Translation
- 可于输入区内输入翻译中英文内容并查询翻译结果
- 提供译文画面中英问单字反查主机辞典及中 英问发音
- 提供无敌英汉和牛津比对精灵句库检索近12万字
- 独家比对精灵,比对校正翻译正确
- Allows to input Chinese/ English to search for translation results
- Allows to cross search in other dictionaries and pronunciation of Chinese/English
- Allows to search within 120,000 entries in reference sentence library: Oxford library and Besta library
英汉辞典 English-Chinese Dictionary
汉语辞典 Chinese Dictionary
- 收录近六万常用汉字词组,提供详细释义资料
- 提供字典,辞典,成语分类查询
- 可下载简体笔顺显示
- Provides 60,000 wordbook, idioms for searching
- Offers radical strokes for viewing Radical, remaining Radical, Total Strokes, Internal Code, Chang Jie and BoshiAmy
专业辞典 Professional Dictionary
- 提供各类专业辞典及教育部,国立编译馆历年所主编的专业字典
- 各辞典可与其他的辞典或卡片进行交互查询
- Provides different types of professional dictionaries of scientific usage
- You may download your desired dictionaries from website
跨语库查询 Extension Dictionary
- 提供可扩展语库,跨语库搜索功能.
- Offers inputting search for built-in and downloaded dictionaries
- Allows Chinese and English input for searching
牛津高阶英汉双解词典 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
- 收录最新第六版8万词条词汇,例句9万条
- 收录近16000条动词词语,衍生词,习语
- 多国会话 Travel Dialogue
- 成语词典 Idioms Dictionary
- 同义反义 Synonym-Antonym Dictionary
- 动画文法 Animated Grammar
- 动画片语 Animated Phrases
- 数位录音 Digital Recorder
- 游戏天地 Game World
- 我的相簿 My Album
- 电子书城 eBook
- 文字浏览 Text Browser
F4 记事 PIM
- 电子名片 Name Card
- 备忘记事 Memorandum
- 工作要项 To Do List
- 世界时间 World Time
- 行程计划 Schedule
- 阴阳日历 Calendar
- 纪念日 Anniversary
- 课程表 Class Schedule
- 计算大全 Calculator
- 换算大全 Unit Conversion
- 闹铃设置 Alarm Setting
- 收支管理 Income & Expenses
- 电脑连线 PC Link
- 记忆体 Memory Management
- 服务中心 After Service
- 密码设置 Password Setting
- 开机画面 Startup Picture
- 语言设置 Language Setting
- 电池电量 Battery Power
- 档案管理 File Management
- 音效设置 Sound Setting
- 输入设置 Input Setting
- 手写设置 Handwriting Setting
- 个性设置 Setting