Thursday, April 16, 2009

Someone lost a labrador! Can you help?

A couple is desperately looking for their dog.
The dog is a female labrador retriever. She is cream/yellow in colour and smallbuilt for a labrador retriever. She's coming to 3 years old.
She is microchipped and licensed with AVA.
She ran out of our house in MarineParade / East Coast area in Nov08, and we've been looking for her eversince. She could be anywhere in Singapore now and probably someone is holding on to her and not want to return.
A relative moved into our house that day, and the movers probably scared her off. We thought our relative would help keep an eye on our dog.
Dog owner said
"The mistake we made on that day was not to be around, and we are terribly sorry for that. We've looked for her, called out her name, pasted posters in theneighbourhoods around our house, and went as far as Bedok. We've spoken to many dog owners who walk their dogs in the parks, in the hope they might spot our dog. We've reported to the SPCA, AVA and the police. We've posted our notice in the internet forums, straits times, chinese and indian newspapers. We've received a lot of calls from kind people who offer advice and encouragement and to keep a lookout. We've also received calls from pranksters but bluffed us to go to a location hoping to find our dog.
But all these, to no avail. We also received calls from people wanting to give up on their dogs, and are offering their dogs to us. I think, if they try to accept the dogs as they are, and if they only know dogs are such loyal and wonderful companions, who are willing to hand around us given as little as just food and attention.While looking for our dogs, we came across dogs who have been abandoned and lost. We were brought to them by callers thinking they are our dog. We've brought some of them back and have managed to locate owners for 2 of them.There are 3 others who are very likely abandoned.We hope the person who's holding our dog or anyone who knows of neighbour or friend who brought back a female labrador retriever out of nowhere, could return her to us or inform us of her whereabouts. We miss her so much andlife has not been good ever since.Anyone who is willing to return her to us, or have information leading tothe recovery of our dog, can expect a $5000 reward. She can be identified with her microchip which can be scanned at the vet.ZuiAi, really appreciate your help.
Pls call Hweeling and Simon at 9389 9896.
NAME OF DOG is Ginger.

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